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We have four projects that can be accessed by young people. Either accessing one project alone, or young people can transition between projects. These projects are based on assessment, planning and review where a need is identified. This will be discussed and agreed at review points during their engagement. 










Download our information leaflet here.


Download our referral form here.



  • All of the projects and services use a trauma informed approach and are youth work lead. 

  • We will work to identify and develop young people’s self-realisation, ambitions and use motivational techniques to reach their potential.

  • We will develop young people’s understanding and awareness of their individual choices and support them to have a voice and be heard regarding their goals and future.

  • All programmes will achieve AQA unit awards in line with agreed targets, and where time permits, we will support the achievement of Arts Award qualifications.

  • We work with young people aged between 11-25years, creating personalised pathways to identify and transition into positive destinations.

  • We will work in a multi-agency way attending meetings and ensure our planning informs and integrates with the wider young people’s plans, supporting young people to advocate for themselves.





This is part time flexible 121 support or working in small groups, delivered at Gorse Hill Studios. It is a minimum of 2.5hrs per week (1 session), 16.5hrs max (3.5days). The offer primarily runs between the hours of 10-3pm term time and can be adjusted per requirements, a minimum half term commitment is required to secure the placement.


Overall aim:

•          Develop life skills, independent skills, and social skills.

•          Identify strengths & ambitions.

•          Transition into positive and developing destinations.


Individualised timetable of activities with an emphasis on the arts, life skills and personal development. There will be a focus on transitions with the young people such as independent living and travel, transitioning back into school, transitioning into high school or college, preparation for work (interview preparation, cv writing, filling out applications etc), or essentially into adulthood. We pay particular attention to supporting young people with their mental health and wellbeing and adjusting to life’s challenges. We are flexible in our approach particularly for those with SEND/SEMH and those that struggle to manage within certain environments. Our Team is trained and skilled to work with this group.


One-to-one provision, allows us to use the time to build, nurture, and respond to the needs of the individual in a timely manner.


Young people will identify areas of interest to support and inspire their learning and we will work with them to meet their personal ambitions agreeing with them what success looks like setting achievable milestones as they progress.

We pride ourselves on focusing on positive relationship building, building on their assets. We have a track record in young people being involved in the wider community, accessing Gorse hill studios extra-curricular activities, such as showcases, volunteering, peer mentoring. We have a number of young people who have gone onto to paid work within the organisation or outside the organisation.


Please contact Marika for more info and costs-





A bespoke preventative programme, 121 support in the formal setting. Days/times/hours to be arranged with the referrer. A minimum of a half term commitment is required to secure the placement.


Overall aim:

•          To develop and sustain relationships within the setting so they can access the curriculum.

•          To maintain placement.

•          To encourage and achieve their full potential.


Bespoke support package taking part within the education setting, improving young person’s engagement with the curriculum, enabling relationships within the setting to be developed and sustained. The work will be in collaboration with the setting to identify targets, supporting young people to reach their full potential using a youth work strengths-based approach, relationship building, and positive role modelling. Together we will implement clear expectations of the support and how this will be reviewed and measured. We will work within a multi-agency way to support holistic planning.


Induction/initial meeting with young person- off timetable in the setting, getting to know the young person and their thoughts around the support they need, and how best to support them. This will be used in conjunction with information shared by parents, carers, and professionals.


Please contact Marika for more info and costs-





Short term, bespoke intense mentoring intervention. Maximum two-week provision of 16.5hours per week, either 3.5days or spread out over 5 days.


Overall aim:

•          Address the cause of the step out.

•          Restore and repair the issues and relationships.

•          Re-engage the young person back into their setting.


Working on specifically agreed outcomes and targets to address issues and support the young person to reengage with the setting before relationships are broken and young people find themselves at the end of their placement. We will ensure we ‘match’ well with the young person so that a trusted relationship can be built. As well as supporting young people to repair and rebuild fractured relationships with adults and other young people within their setting. We aim to include the school in the restorative approach, holding a restorative conference at the end of the step out. Where this takes place can be flexible, such as within the setting, externally or both.


Please contact Marika for more info and costs-



Step Forward

A bespoke targeted outreach intervention. To be agreed within the referral process. Example- 2hrs per week over a half term period. Minimum of 6 weeks provision.


Overall project aim:

  • Address, explore and develop strategies and tools to manage issues more effectively.

  • Coaching methods to assist and implement positive change.

  • Develop self – confidence, awareness, belief, and value.

  • Moving forward from past decisions, behaviours, or experiences.


This can be:

  • In the setting

  • Support to access setting

  • In the community

  • Support into positive community activities and interventions.


There will be an agreed number of sessions and agreed outcomes between the referrer and GHS.

Support through mentoring that will encourage young people to maintain their place within the setting, as well as addressing needs or exploring barriers.The programme will help the young person to engage, increase their confidence and provide motivation to identify future aspirations, and take the appropriate steps and actions to reach these.


Work can be focussed around, but not limited to:

  • Mental health and wellbeing support

  • Access to positive activities

  • Identification of self-worth/awareness

  • Confidence building

  • Independence building

  • Social, emotional & mental health support

  • Access to external service support

  • Encouraging positive behaviour

  • Self-reflection & understanding

  • Relationship building amongst peers and adults.

  • Coping mechanisms.


Please contact Marika for more info and costs-

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